Strollers are not good for newborn babies because, for at least the first six months, infants must lie flat in a stroller. Although many strollers have many reclining positions, some can only be used for 6 months since they don’t lie flat enough. Protecting your baby’s back, development, and respiration is facilitated by lying flat.

With a carrycot or cocoon, certain strollers enable a comfortable lie-flat position (soft fabric carrycot). Others have seats that can recline all the way flat, so you might not need a second carrycot. In keeping with this, we have selected a few strollers that either come with a carrycot or have the option to add one afterward.

Yes, according to the criteria used to determine whether a stroller is suitable for use from birth, lie-flat does not necessarily mean fully flat. At least 150 degrees is required to be “lye-flat” (as opposed to 180 degrees to be fully flat). This implies that the base may actually lift your baby’s head by up to 30 degrees.

Given the scientific support for keeping your infant flat in a stroller, we strongly advise against using any base other than a carrycot or a 180° flat recline for regular use.

When you have a newborn, carrycots have a lot of advantages, one of which is that the majority of them are parent-facing, allowing you to watch over your child throughout the first few months. They are also considered as providing your child with an extra measure of comfort and luxury thanks to the features like more room, a padded mattress, additional ventilation, and a larger canopy hood, according to Charlotte.

Some parents also like the capability of removing the carrycot from the stroller without waking their infant and allowing them to keep sleeping. Additionally, a carrycot can offer a portable sleeping area to adhere to the Safe Sleep recommendations, which suggest that your baby sleeps in the same room as you, day and night.

Consider whether the carrycot is appropriate for overnight sleeping as another factor. In the first six months, this can take the place of the requirement for a travel cot, saving you money and room when traveling.

What to look for when buying a newborn baby stroller
Every pushchair has a different fold, and most are simple once you get the hang of it, but reviews will help you gauge how simple or difficult the fold is. Additionally, consider how compact the fold is, if you can fold it with one hand, and whether the pushchair is free-standing when folded. This is useful if you plan to store it folded.

Don’t forget to look at the basket’s size. As a parent on the go, you need a place to put all of the things that babies need. At this point, choosing a stroller with a spacious basket below will truly save your life while you’re on the go. But you shouldn’t just focus on the basket’s size. Make sure the basket is simple to reach because some stroller designs make it difficult to reach the basket when using the carrycot.

Wheels and tires
The general rule is that larger wheels can handle tough terrain more easily. Although solid wheels are more frequent, air-filled tires are also excellent for tough off-road pushing. However, they do occasionally puncture. Learn more about the stroller wheels and tires that might work best for your lifestyle.

Single to double option
Some strollers can be converted from a single to a double stroller by adding an additional seat and adaptors. If you want to expand your family during the “stroller years,” it’s a smart idea to future-proof your pushchair. Be careful that double-convertible buggies often have heavier frames to accommodate the weight of two youngsters. This may have an impact on the pushchair’s portability or maneuverability.

If you plan to travel frequently, use public transportation frequently, or have to move a stroller frequently into and out of a car, you should examine the weight of the stroller (both with and without the carrycot connected).

Not all strollers can be converted into travel systems. With some, everything is included in the travel system bundle, however, with others, you must purchase the stroller, the appropriate car seat, and the adaptors individually. Some car seats are compatible with a wide range of stroller brands. Check the compatibility in our reviews or on the websites of the manufacturers.

Keep in mind that not all car seats and not all strollers can accommodate them. Therefore, before selecting a travel system or stroller, we advise making sure that your car seat of choice will suit your vehicle.

When to buy a stroller
As long as you’ve shopped around to locate a stroller that fits your family’s needs and lifestyle, there is no right or wrong time to purchase. Researching and limiting your alternatives is always worthwhile. After that, you can keep an eye out for any prospective promotions or discounts to take advantage of.

Newborn baby strollers can range in price greatly. They can cost anything from $70 to more than $1000.

Always double-check the contents of a pricing quote because it may not contain certain extras like footmuffs, rain covers, or car seat adaptors.

Looking for bundles, when a store or manufacturer provides various things within the price, is one approach to save money.

Tests that you should do before buying a newborn baby stroller
Can you steer the stroller: we always advise parents to test whether they can steer the stroller one-handed before purchasing it.
Can you fold and unfold the stroller: Before buying the stroller it’s important to test whether you can fold and unfold the stroller one-handed.
Can the stroller fit in your car: Ensure that the stroller will fit wherever you need it to. Take measures with extreme care, and confirm them again!
Can you carry it: Some strollers are really heavy. Consider moving it in and out of the trunk of your car and carrying it up a flight of stairs.
Is it cleanable: It is worth spending more money on a stroller if the material used is easily cleanable.