Every parent wants the best for their child, and this includes the ideal stroller. It’s a bonus if the stroller has all the functions we want and looks stunning on top of that. The Mompush Ultimate 2 is that stroller.

The Mompush Ultimate 2 is a long-term investment because it may be used for children from birth to age three.

This stroller has four different settings so that it may be adjusted to fit any situation. In the Carrycot Mode, the bassinet is in the sleeping position, with the child facing the parent

The Infant Carrier Mode allows you to adapt the stroller seat so that you can use it as a car seat by easily disconnecting it from the stroller. Parent Facing Mode is perfect for toddlers and positions them in a sitting position where they can face the parent. With World Facing Mode, your child sits facing the direction of motion and is easily able to view their environment.

This stroller may be used in a variety of scenarios and for a variety of ages thanks to its four modes.

You actually get a bassinet with this stroller because the bassinet utilized in the Carrycot Mode is detachable!

To ensure that your baby is safe and warm whether you are home or away, this independent bassinet contains a foot cover and canopy.

The bassinet cushion pad was our favorite feature of the stroller as a whole. Your infant would feel most comfortable sleeping in this bassinet.

This stroller will enable you to easily and safely transfer your child whether you’re outside on a rainy day or are driving with them.

Simple and subtle color schemes are offered for this model. Select from navy blue, black gray, or silver gray.

Why you should buy the Mompush Ultimate2 Baby Stroller

Ergonomic Seat

Your child can face you or the outside world thanks to the full-size forward-facing reversible toddler seat that comes with it. With the push of a button, one-hand recline adjustment allows you to rapidly recline the seat, and an adjustable footrest gives kids’ feet extra comfort.

The telescoping handlebar expands to accommodate parents of different heights and has full-grain quality leather for added grip while pushing the child.

Smooth Ride

Modern spring-action wheels add more cushioning without creating punctures, and separate shocks guarantee a comfortable ride for your child.

Daily strolls are easy regardless of the terrain because of the 360-degree front swivel wheels’ excellent turning circle and seamless mobility. With one-touch foot breaks, you can stay safer while traveling.

Premium Design

To protect your kid from dangerous UV rays, a zip-out UPF 50+ canopy stretches, enabling your family to take advantage of even the sunniest of days.

In addition to giving you a complete view of your child, the entire ventilation panel allows air to flow and daylight to enter the canopy. For roomy storage behind the stroller seat, use a sizable lowboy luggage basket.

Compact fold

This stroller folds in a single motion to a small size and, what’s more, it stands upright when folded! Aluminum and magnesium are used in the stroller’s construction to make it lightweight and portable. The stroller can be folded both with and without the toddler seat. The bassinet must be taken out first, though, before folding.

Easy to clean

We all know how dirty kids can be. Mompush leaves the burden of stroller cleaning, which can be challenging, to other brands. The Ultimate 2’s 100% polyester plastic, metal, and fabric components can all be cleaned with a damp cloth dipped in a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Before folding or using it, make careful to let it air dry completely.

When washing the Mompush Ultimate 2, avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals.


Although the handbook specifically states that this Mompush stroller shouldn’t be used as a running stroller, its large wheels function in a manner similar to that. The front wheels of the Ultimate 2 can rotate 360 degrees, which makes turning extremely easy.

Additionally, switching between toddler stroller mode and bassinet mode is quite easy. With the touch of a button, each seat may be moved in and out. Additionally, you can set the toddler seat to face forward or backward depending on your preferences.


The Mompush Ultimate 2 has a one-touch foot brake and a sizable cover that provides UPF 50+ sun protection in either mode. When in stroller mode, it features a five-point harness for enhanced safety.

The stroller’s weight restriction is 33 pounds, while the bassinet’s suggested weight limit is 19 pounds. According to the Mompush safety instructions, babies under six months old shouldn’t use the toddler seat, especially if they can’t support their own heads. Alternatively, once your infant can sit up by themselves, you should stop using the bassinet.


There are countless ways to provide comfort for your youngster. With just one hand, the toddler seat’s four reclining settings can be changed. The footrest can be adjusted as well.

The suspension is shock-absorbing, making for a comfortable and uncomplicated ride for your child. The suspension makes sure kids stay asleep whether they do so in the toddler or the bassinet seat.

But when choosing a stroller, parents should also consider their personal comfort. For our benefit, the Ultimate 2 includes a fantastic comfort feature! The faux leather handle can be adjusted to fit the height of the stroller operator. The handle telescopes up or down to suit your comfort level with the stroke of a single button.


Mompush is a company that pays close attention to the little things in its goods. Their products are mobile, adaptable, and simple, allowing parents to enjoy every day with their kids. They are expertly developed.

Our manufacturers thoroughly evaluate the strollers for comfort, usability, safety, durability, and other parameters that conform to industry standards.

Unlike other high-end strollers, the Mompush Ultimate 2 has both design and functionality. The bassinet attachment is the first thing it comes with. So you can be sure you’re buying a stroller that will grow with your kid for many years right there.

Most of those features are superior to what you would typically find in a stroller/pram and, in my opinion, are worth the price. It provides a range of seating possibilities, guaranteeing a long life and lots of activities for your child.