The latest version of the world-famous Vista series, UPPAbaby Vista V2, was released in February 2020. The stroller has some improvements, such as a no-rethread harness and a new sun canopy, but it’s not very different from the inaugural model which is well-known to children and parents as a perfect stroller.

Starting at just £979.99 for the pushchair and carrycot combo, the UPPAbaby VISTA V2 is a luxury buggy that is well-designed with high-quality materials. This showy buggy clearly provides a luxurious and comfortable ride for your little one At first glance the prices may seem high, but when you take into consideration the sturdiness and sleek design of this product, you’ll find that it’s well worth it.

The sleek and stylish design of this option is ideal for parents of twins or anyone planning on expanding their family. The Vista is an ideal stroller for families with a baby or a toddler because of its numerous seating configurations. There is a stroller board for a third child.

UPPAbaby has made significant improvements to the 2020 VISTA V2.

The Wheels

The newly designed wheels for the VISTA V2 are composed of a softly textured polyurethane material and provide the baby with a smooth and comfortable ride. The wheels provide smooth handling and travel nicely on all terrains.

The front wheels of the VISTA turn easily and the VISTA feels as light as a feather to push, even when used in tandem or with a PiggyBack Board. You can also lock the front wheels into a fixed position to help you drive through rough terrain.

The green indicators on the front wheels are used to show you exactly whether the wheel is fixed or swiveled. The adjustable shock-absorbing suspension feels soft and has a delicate, subtle spring that absorbs even the smallest bumps.

The brakes

The brake pedal is a large pedal located adjacent to the back-right wheel. It is pressed down to activate the brake and again to disengage it.

The brake pedal is large enough that even in a double configuration with an extra car seat, or carrycot, you can use it without fumbling about with your feet trying to apply it.

Seating options

The VISTA V2’s true appeal is that, in addition to being a superb single stroller, it can be swiftly and easily converted into a tandem stroller or, if you use the PiggyBack Board for your toddler or younger child, a pushchair for three children. This versatility alone makes it the perfect product for any family.

The VISTA V2 features nine different configurations that can be used to suit your needs as a parent. These configurations, which include double stroller and single stroller modes, can be used for twins or a single child, for instance.

You will receive a carrycot and toddler seat with your purchase, but you will need to purchase the Upper and Lower Adaptors if you would like to convert your stroller into a double


The VISTA V2 bundle includes a carrycot, which may be attached directly to the frame or lifted into a higher position with the Upper Adapters. This allows you to connect with your baby more easily and see them clearly when they are awake.

The carrycot can be used in many configurations. For twins, you can buy an additional carrycot for the VISTA V2.

The sun hood of the carrycot can be adjusted using the buttons on either side of the hinges. The VISTA V2 seat unit is made from the same woven materials as the hood and carrycot body. The visor that protects the baby from the sun can be lowered to provide the absolute best protection.\

The Canopy

The new canopy design on the VISTA V2 builds on the fantastic features that made the VISTA series unique. The canopy now reaches below the bumper bar and encompasses the infant’s entire body, shielding them from sun rays and rain/wind.

There is an additional viewing window that may be used when the expandable panel is zipped up in addition to the large, expansive viewing window that rests at the top of the hood.

These windows not only act as a way to let light into the baby’s space and provide airflow into the seat unit but also allows parents to have a full view of their child’s world.

Adjustable leg rest

The leg rest on the main seat is made to allow small children to spread their legs out and sleep in peace. There is a mechanism for your child to rest their feet on their legs in a row so that they are not left dangling uncomfortably if they do not extend their legs past this leg rest. The stroller with the RumbleSeat does not have an adjusted leg rest so your child can rest their legs in the big basket of the stroller.

5-point harness system

The VISTA V2 seats offer excellent 5-point harness systems that are easy to fit and are both safe and comfortable for your child. To make the harness as pleasant as possible, the shoulder straps are pleasantly padded, and the UPPAbaby buckle is one of the easiest to use on the market.

It’s amazing how simple it is to adjust the straps on a baby carrier in a single motion without having to reroute the harness. The shoulder height can be changed easily by simply tightening or loosening the straps.


Like the other features we have found thus far, VISTA V2’s fold is very easy to use. The handlebar’s buttons on either side are pulled up to activate it. The handlebar then drops to the floor, folds into position, and locks with its own chassis auto-lock

After that, the footrest tucks in to produce a standing item that, while not small, is nonetheless useful because it can be placed in corners without having to cling perilously to the wall. You don’t even need to take the seat out (as long as it is in the forward-facing position)

It’s fantastic to know that you can still fold the pushchair with the seat in place if you’re in a hurry, even if removing the seat makes the fold lighter and easier to handle and hoist. Additionally, you never have to raise the weight of the VISTA when folding or unfolding.


The UPPAbaby Vista V2 is a versatile, smart, and well-made stroller that is excellent for growing families who like the outdoors. Although its large size and weight make it unsuitable for everyone, these drawbacks are outweighed by its superb stability, storage, and incredibly smooth riding over practically all terrains. Additionally, it offers a wide variety of double seating possibilities for when your family expands.